Our Vision
Keeping pace with the technological advances in healthcare, complying with stringent quality & ethical norms and ensuring a human touch to our service.
Dial imaging : +91-7042928881, 82 | 0120-4154458, 59
Dial Path : +91-9319081150 | +91-9319097574
Working Hours - Mon - Sun: 8:00AM - 08:00PM
Keeping pace with the technological advances in healthcare, complying with stringent quality & ethical norms and ensuring a human touch to our service.
Offering reliable and accurate diagnostic & therapeutic services to our patients, at affordable prices.
To deliver services that are safe, result in desired outcomes and are consistent with current professional knowledge.
To create an environment that supports and rewards.
Caring and compassion.
Excellence and professionalism.
Teamwork and trust.
Mutual respect and recognition.
Accountable and ethical behaviour
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