Dial imaging : +91-7042928881, 82 | 0120-4154458, 59

Working Hours - Mon - Sun: 8:00AM - 08:00PM




The x-ray optic foramen is used to see abnormalities of the optic foramen. The optic canal is a cylindrical canal running obliquely through the lesser wing of sphenoid bone near the base where it joins the body of the sphenoid. It transmits the optic nerve and ophthalmic artery (and its associated sympathetic fibres). The optic canal opens into the skull base at the optic foramen.

Test information: Fasting NOT needed

Reporting: Within 04 hours*

  • No preparations are needed.
  • Please carry your medical documents.
  • You may be asked to remove some clothing and change it into a gown for the exam. Remove jewellery, metallic objects, or clothing that might interfere with the x-ray images.
  • Women should inform about any chance of pregnancy as generally, an X-ray is not performed on pregnant patients.
  • Please carry identification proof such as an Aadhar card, pan card etc.
* For details, please see service-related policies
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