"Lung VQ scan", also called "Lung Ventilation-Perfusion scintigraphy" uses ventilation & perfusion scintigraphies to evaluate pulmonary function. The Ventilation study records the broncho-pulmonary distribution of an inhaled radioactive aerosol within the lungs, whereas Pulmonary perfusion scintigraphy records arterial blood flow within the lungs. This test is mainly performed to look for pulmonary embolism, apart from other indications such as quantifying differential pulmonary function before pulmonary surgery in lung cancer and evaluation of lung transplant etc. Pulmonary embolism is a medical emergency where a blood clot gets caught in one of the lungs' arteries and blocks the normal flow of blood. Depending on the size and number of the clots, this can be a serious problem.
Test information: Fasting NOT needed
Reporting: Within 2 hours*
- No specific patient preparation is necessary. Fasting is not required.
- Standard chest radiograph is preferred in both posterior–anterior (PA) view and lateral view.
- Please carry all other medical documents, including doctor referrals, blood reports, etc.
- Female patients are to inform their status of pregnancy and lactation.
- The total duration of the test may take around 01-1.5 hours.
- रोगी की कोई विशेष तैयारी आवश्यक नहीं है। उपवास की आवश्यकता नहीं है।
- पश्च-पूर्वकाल (पीए) दृश्य और पार्श्व दृश्य दोनों में मानक छाती रेडियोग्राफ़ को प्राथमिकता दी जाती है।
- कृपया डॉक्टर रेफरल, रक्त रिपोर्ट आदि सहित अन्य सभी चिकित्सा दस्तावेज भी साथ रखें।
- महिला रोगियों को अपनी गर्भावस्था और स्तनपान की स्थिति के बारे में सूचित करना होता है।
- परीक्षण की कुल अवधि में लगभग 01-1.5 घंटे लग सकते हैं।
- After registration and payment, the patient's medical history is taken, including checking referral, medical & surgical treatment details, investigation records, history of last meal, etc. Informed consent is also obtained at the same time.
- This test has two parts, ventilation and perfusion. Ventilation Scan.
- After placing the nose clamp, the patient is given a mouthpiece of aerosol-producing equipment to inhale for a few minutes with a deep breath.
- Immediately after inhalation, the patient is taken to a gamma camera and static images from different angles or, if needed, 3-dimensional imaging may be performed. Perfusion Scan.
- The patient is asked to take several deep breaths.
- An intravenous injection of tracer is given slowly under the gamma camera.
- Immediately after injection, static images from different angles or 3-dimensional imaging may be performed if needed. Both sets of images are verified.
* For details, please see service-related policies