Dial imaging : +91-7042928881, 82 | 0120-4154458, 59

Working Hours - Mon - Sun: 8:00AM - 08:00PM

DMSA scan



DMSA scan is used to see the functional anatomy of the kidney and is also called renal cortical scintigraphy. The common indications for this scan are acute pyelonephritis, renal scarring, Solitary or ectopic renal tissue and horseshoe kidneys. The clinical conditions for this scan are detection of the cortical defects of acute pyelonephritis and scarring related to chronic pyelonephritis. This scan is very sensitive and detects cortical scarring with twice as many defects as ultrasound and 4 times as intravenous urography. When detected early and satisfactorily treated, the loss of function associated with acute pyelonephritis can be reversed without scar formation.

Test information: Fasting NOT needed

Reporting: Within 2 hours*

  • There is no restriction on food intake, and no preparation for the test is needed.
  • Please carry all medical documents, including doctor referrals, Ultrasound reports etc.
  • Female patients are to inform their status of pregnancy and lactation.
  • The duration of the test may take around 4-5 hours.
* For details, please see service-related policies
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