Insulinoma is a tumour that secretes insulin and is usually localized to the pancreas. Surgical removal is the standard treatment method, and it requires precise localization of tumour tissue. Ga-68 DOTA-exendin-4 PET/CT scan is a reasonable and sensitive scan for identifying insulinoma.
Test information: Fasting: 2-4 hours
Reporting: Within 2 hours*
- Fasting for 2 - 4 hours and stoppage of some interfering medicines may be required. Please speak with referring doctor if applicable.
- Please carry all medical documents, including doctor referral, previous PET-CT reports with CD for comparison, report of any CT, MRI and blood reports etc.
- Please carry a Serum creatinine blood report.
- If you are allergic to contrast media, pregnant or breastfeeding, please inform staff before the test.
- Always try to reach 15 minutes before the appointment time as the radiopharmaceutical (tracer) used for 68Ga-DOTA-Exendine PET-CT has a short half-life and any delay may cause a decay tracer, and you may be rescheduled for another day.
- Please carry identification proof such as an Aadhar card, pan card etc.
- 2 - 4 घंटे का उपवास और कुछ हस्तक्षेप करने वाली दवाओं को रोकना पड़ सकता है। इस संबंध में कृपया अपने रेफर करने वाले डॉक्टर से बात करें।
- कृपया डॉक्टर रेफरल, तुलना के लिए सीडी के साथ पिछली पीईटी-सीटी रिपोर्ट, किसी भी सीटी, एमआरआई और रक्त रिपोर्ट आदि सहित सभी चिकित्सा दस्तावेज साथ रखें।
- कृपया सीरम क्रिएटिनिन रक्त रिपोर्ट साथ रखें।
- यदि आपको कंट्रास्ट मीडिया, गर्भवती या स्तनपान से एलर्जी है, तो कृपया परीक्षण से पहले स्टाफ को सूचित करें।
- हमेशा नियुक्ति समय से 15 मिनट पहले पहुंचने का प्रयास करें क्योंकि 68Ga-DOTA PET-CT के लिए उपयोग किए जाने वाले रेडियोफार्मास्युटिकल (ट्रेसर) का आधा जीवन छोटा होता है और किसी भी देरी से ट्रेसर का क्षय हो सकता है और आपको एक और दिन के लिए पुनर्निर्धारित किया जा सकता है।
- कृपया आधार कार्ड, पैन कार्ड आदि जैसे पहचान प्रमाण साथ रखें।
- After registration and payment, the patient's medical history is taken, including checking referral, treatment and investigation records, history of last meal and any allergy to contrast media, etc., depending upon the clinical requirement.
- The patient is given clothes to change if felt necessary.
- Height & weight is recorded. An intravenous cannula is fixed for the administration of tracer and contrast media.
- The patient is injected radioactive material (68Ga-DOTA-Exendine) and advised to relax for a duration to allow the tracer to be distributed within the body with an adequate target to background ratio.
- Scanning may take 15-30 minutes.
- Recorded images are verified and if delayed images are needed, the patient is advised accordingly.
- Once these sequences are over, the patient is free to go home. The procedure takes approximately 2–3 hours, depending on many variables. In the case of delayed images, this time may increase.
* For details, please see service-related policies